Doctor Turned Candidate: TDP’s Gottipati Lakshmi’s Heroic Act Amidst Poll Campaign

Doctor Turned Candidate: TDP's Gottipati Lakshmi's Heroic Act Amidst Poll Campaign


Telugu Desam Party (TDP) candidate Dr. Gottipati Lakshmi from Andhra Pradesh’s Darsi Assembly constituency halted her poll campaign to perform a life-saving surgery on a pregnant woman. As a gynecologist, Dr. Lakshmi responded to the urgent medical need, swiftly conducting a Caesarean section. Both mother and child are reported to be in good health. The TDP praised her selfless act, with party chief Chandrababu Naidu expressing appreciation. Dr. Lakshmi’s heroic gesture amidst the election season underscores qualities of leadership and compassion as Andhra Pradesh prepares for the upcoming Assembly elections on May 13, 2024.

Doctor Turned Candidate: TDP’s Gottipati Lakshmi’s Heroic Act Amidst Poll Campaign

A Heroic Pause: Doctor-Candidate’s Life-Saving Surgery

In a remarkable display of dedication and humanity, Doctor Gottipati Lakshmi, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) candidate from the Darsi Assembly constituency in Andhra Pradesh, interrupted her poll campaign to perform a life-saving surgery on a pregnant woman.

A Doctor’s Call: Responding to an Urgent Need

Dr. Lakshmi, a gynaecologist by profession, was actively engaged in her election campaign in Darsi when she received word of a pregnant woman in critical condition at a nearby hospital. Without hesitation, she abandoned her campaign duties and rushed to the hospital to render immediate medical assistance.

Life-Saving Intervention: A Caesarean Section

Upon arrival at the hospital, Dr. Lakshmi wasted no time in springing into action. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, she swiftly conducted a life-saving Caesarean section, ensuring the well-being of both the mother and her newborn child.

A Touching Gesture: TDP’s Recognition and Support

The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) commended Dr. Lakshmi’s selfless act, highlighting her commitment to serving the community beyond the realm of politics. A video shared by the party, depicting Dr. Lakshmi cradling the newborn, symbolizes the intersection of duty, compassion, and leadership.

Applause from Party Leadership: Chandrababu Naidu’s Acknowledgment

Party chief Chandrababu Naidu extended his praise to Dr. Lakshmi, lauding her swift and decisive action in the face of a medical emergency. His words, “Good job,” underscore the party’s appreciation for her exemplary conduct amidst the electoral fray.

The Telugu Desam Party lauded her and posted a video of Dr Lakshmi holding the newborn.

Elections Loom: A Testament to Leadership and Compassion

As Andhra Pradesh gears up for the forthcoming Assembly elections on May 13, 2024, Dr. Gottipati Lakshmi’s act of heroism serves as a poignant reminder of the qualities that define true leadership: courage, compassion, and a steadfast commitment to the welfare of others.

A Story of Sacrifice and Service

Dr. Gottipati Lakshmi’s decision to prioritize the life of a mother and her child over her own political aspirations encapsulates the essence of true leadership. In an era often marked by partisan divides and self-interest, her act of selflessness stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, resonating far beyond the realm of politics.

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