Determination Triumphs: Hyderabad Girl Appears for Class 10 Exam on Ventilator, Scores High Grades

Determination Triumphs: Hyderabad Girl Appears for Class 10 Exam on Ventilator, Scores High Grades


Kirpan Kaur Khanuja, a Class 10 student from Hyderabad, displayed exceptional determination by appearing for her exams on a ventilator after a severe road accident. Despite doctors’ advice, Kirpan insisted on taking her exams to avoid seeing “supplementary” on her certificate. With unwavering support from her parents and school, she achieved high grades, scoring 8.7 GPA in the TS SSC 2024 exams. Kirpan’s story serves as a powerful testament to the resilience and commitment to education, inspiring others to persevere in the face of adversity.

Kirpan Kaur Khanuja, a Class 10 student from Nampally in Hyderabad, has left the nation in awe with her extraordinary determination and resilience. Despite battling severe injuries from a road accident, Kirpan displayed unwavering commitment by appearing for her public exam while on a ventilator.

Determination Triumphs: Hyderabad Girl Appears for Class 10 Exam on Ventilator, Scores High Grades

The Accident and Recovery Journey

Kirpan, a student at Slate – The School at Abids, was on her way home from her pre-final exam when tragedy struck. A motorist collision left her critically injured, with doctors diagnosing blood clots in her brain. Despite the severity of her condition, Kirpan’s spirit remained unbroken.

Defying the Odds: A Determined Journey to Success

Refusing to succumb to her injuries, Kirpan set her sights on her SSC final examinations. Despite medical advice urging rest, Kirpan’s determination to excel in her studies prevailed. With the support of her parents and school authorities, she appeared for her exams while on the ventilator, showcasing unmatched dedication to her education.

Parental Support and Encouragement

Kirpan’s parents, while initially hesitant, recognized their daughter’s unwavering resolve and stood by her decision. Her mother, Ashmeet Kaur, expressed pride in Kirpan’s achievements, emphasizing the importance of children’s willpower alongside parental encouragement.

Academic Excellence Amidst Adversity

Despite the immense challenges she faced, Kirpan’s academic performance in the TS SSC 2024 exams was exemplary. With a remarkable 8.7 GPA, Kirpan’s achievement serves as a testament to her indomitable spirit and dedication to her education.

School’s Pride and Recognition

The teaching and non-teaching staff at Slate Schools commended Kirpan’s remarkable feat, acknowledging her inspiring story. Director Vasireddy Amarnath expressed pride in Kirpan’s accomplishments, highlighting her resilience in the face of adversity.

A Story of Inspiration and Resilience

Kirpan Kaur Khanuja’s journey exemplifies the power of determination and resilience in overcoming life’s adversities. Her unwavering commitment to her education, despite facing significant health challenges, serves as an inspiration to students and parents alike. Kirpan’s story reminds us all of the boundless possibilities that lie within the human spirit, reaffirming the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving success.

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